Dr Namita Nadar Diet Clinic Noida

Diet Management Plan by the Top Nutritionist in Noida

A healthy lifestyle is a balance between many things. It comprises of a routine which encompasses of regular workout, good sleep schedule and a balanced diet.Dr.NamitaNadar who is a top dietitian in Noida understands this well and has a proven track record for providing her clients with the best diet management solutions in Noida. She is not only a Certified Pharmaco Nutritionist but also a Certified Diabetic Counselor in Noida. She provides thorough one to one counselling to all her clients and devices diet plans which are wholesome, enjoyable and easy to follow.

Sustainable Everyday Diet plan in Noida

In order to sustain good health and to maintain a good weight it is important to follow a diet that is not only enjoyable, culturally fit, as well as sustainable. Dr.NamitaNadar is an experienced dietitian who helps her clients lead a healthy lifestyle.

Best diet plans in Noida for weight loss
Dr. Namita Nadar

Key Highlights of the Service

Diabetes Diet Plan in Noida

Dr.Namita Nadar is a Certified Diabetic Counselor who has an experience in dealing with patients with a very long history of diabetes. With her successful diet plans she has been successful in reversing diabetes in many of her patients. Her clients vouch by her expertise and every year she has transformed lives of many people.

Best Diabetic Meal plan in Noida

Key Highlights of the Service

Therapeutic Diet Plan in Noida

As one of the best dietitians in Noida Dr.NamitaNadar is well equipped to help her patients with special needs such as

Dr.NamitaNadar’s diet plans are made kept in mind different needs of her clients and she has achieved great success in her field of expertise.

Key Highlights of the Service

Pregnancy Diet Plan in Noida

Pregnancy is a beautiful phase in every woman’s life and every mother wishes to eat healthy so that the baby gains weight and becomes healthy. Taking good nutritional diet during pregnancy is very important and time and again people have stressed the importance having a healthy diet and routine for overall development of the baby and also for mother’s good health. Dr.NamitaNadar who is a top dietitian in Noida has helped several mothers deliver healthy babies through her special diet plans. Expecting mothers are not only given consultation on diet but also how she can maintain overall fitness during pregnancy.

Key Highlights of the Service

Children's Diet Plan

With growing stress in the lives of children day by day and decreasing activities it has become extremely important to provide them with diet which is nutritious, tasty and helps them cope with day to day stress. Dr.NamitaNadar has a very rich experience in devising diet plans for childrenwhich will aid them in their overall growth and development. She understands the importance of devising meal plans which would be enjoyed by the children and will fit into their busy schedules. Children today are not only busy with their schools but are also expected to participate in extra-curricular activities. This requires them to be active for longer periods of time and calls for more nutritional care so that they can perform better. Dr.NamitaNadar’s diet plans takes into consideration these factors and helps children combat tiredness, lack of concentration, weak immunity etc and makes them healthy and active.

Kid's weight loss plan in Noida
Dr. Namita Nadar

Key Highlights of the Service

Family Diet Plan

– In today’s time every family wants to lead a healthy lifestyle and this requires them to adopt several good habits which will aid them in achieving their fitness goals. Dr.NamitaNadar who is the best nutritionist in Noida with over two decades of experience has helped several families change their overall lifestyle and achieve unbelievable transformation. Healthy families are a foundation for healthy society therefore Dr.Namita’s Diet Plans are truly focussed on getting the best results for her clients

Dr. Namita Nadar

Key Highlights of the Service