Dr Namita Nadar Diet Clinic Noida

Weight Gain

Gaining weight could be as difficult as losing it! However if you have the right guidance it can be achieved with ease. Dr.NamitaNadar is the top dietitian in Noida and Delhi NCR when it comes to gaining weight the right way. Her approach is holistic and she helps her patients gain weight in the most natural way. Her diet plans are very balanced and time and again she has been proven to be effective and sustainable. Her weight gain diet plans are made keeping in mind her client’s preferences and what they enjoy eating.

Healthy Weight Gain Program

Not only gaining is important but gaining it in a healthier way is far more important. You may think that for gaining weight one can simple hog on to the junk food and increase it or increase their calorie intake. But that will only lead to fat accumulation. You can gain weight in a healthier way by increasing your muscle mass and looking super toned instead of fat or skinny. Therefore the focus of this program is to help you gain weight but also look toned. This is only possible if you take correct diet and also include weight training in your daily schedule. Dr.NamitaNadar with her wide range of experience will help you do just that. Her guidance will help you imbibe helpful activities in your routine which will aid in weight gain process

vegetable skewer, paprika, tomato-3317055.jpg
Dr. Namita Nadar

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