Dr Namita Nadar Diet Clinic Noida


Best Dietitian in Noida

What is Weight Management program: A complete guide by Dr Namita Nadar

With the rise in awareness about the importance of weight management, individuals are seeking reliable guidance to achieve their wellness goals. Enter Dr. Namita Nadar, a renowned expert in the field whose holistic approach to weight management has garnered widespread acclaim. So, what exactly is a weight management program, and how can it benefit you? …

What is Weight Management program: A complete guide by Dr Namita Nadar Read More »

Best Dietition in Noida

Winter Hydration: Hot Drinks and Weight Loss Teas to Keep You Warm

As winter blankets the surroundings with a chilly embrace, staying hydrated often takes a back seat. The temptation to curl up with a cosy blanket and a hot beverage is irresistible. However, your winter hydration routine can do more than just warm you up; it can become a powerful ally in your weight loss journey. …

Winter Hydration: Hot Drinks and Weight Loss Teas to Keep You Warm Read More »

Is onion water good to treat cough and cold? Here’s what a doctor says

Onion water is one of the latest online trends that’s been touted to be a remedy for cough and cold. But is it really effective? Come winter and you’ll find your child coughing or sneezing. As a mother, you look for home remedies to treat cough and cold. Joining the list is onion water, which …

Is onion water good to treat cough and cold? Here’s what a doctor says Read More »


A gastric bypass diet helps individuals who are recovering from sleeve gastrectomy and from gastric bypass surgery also known as Roux-en-Y to heal and change their eating habits. Your best diet coach or a registered top Dietician will talk with you about the diet you’ll need to follow after surgery, explaining what types of food and how much you can eat …