Dr Namita Nadar Diet Clinic Noida

PCOS Diet: What to Eat & What to Avoid?

The term “diet” denotes a restrictive and temporary eating plan on the basis of approved foods and food that you need to avoid. It can also refer to a regular eating pattern or types of foods one consumes. Considering this, if you are concerned about a PCOS diet, you should know that there is no such thing as a PCOS diet as PCOS is not temporary. It is considered a lifelong condition that requires a long-term commitment to making healthy choices. Adapting the principles of healthy eating is a necessity, while a specific “diet” is only ideal for you as long as you stick to it.

According to research, it is evident that diet and lifestyle modification are usually the first approaches to managing PCOS. Changing your way of eating becomes a necessity in most cases of PCOS. The research done on women with PCOS reveals that there is not one specific diet to follow. Instead, there are several ways to reach one goal, lose weight, improve ovulation, reduce hair growth, normalize hormone levels, etc.

PCOS and a Low Dairy Diet

As per small research, it was found that PCOS women who had a low dairy and grain-free diet for around eight weeks showed improvement in overall health, weight, testosterone, hair growth, etc. It happened mainly because dairy products evoke a higher insulin response than other food items.

PCOS and the Dash Diet

The dash diet is a specific diet that revolves around all the high-fiber food such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. PCOS women must follow this diet as it is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and refined grains as well as high in several nutrients such as fiber, potassium, and magnesium. This diet is generally used to treat high blood pressure and is one of the healthiest diets ever.

PCOS and a Low Glycemic Index (GI) Diet

Carbohydrate is very impactful and makes a significant difference in the regularity of the menstrual cycle and insulin resistance. Researchers compared several metabolic factors by giving two groups of women with similar PCOS diets. The key difference was that one group consumed low-GI food while the other had higher-GI foods. The group that consumed lower GI foods showed significant improvements in insulin resistance and regular menstrual cycles. 

PCOS and a High Protein Diet

A high protein diet might help you deal with psychological symptoms common to PCOS. In a 2007 study, 25 women were given either a high protein, high carbohydrate diet or a low protein, high carbohydrate diet to test weight loss and psychological symptoms with the use of relevant scales. The women who followed the high protein and low carbohydrate diet showed better improvements in self-esteem, anxiety, and depression. 


All in all, the main thing is that quality matters more than quantity. The key finding from the research is that improvements in menstrual regularity and insulin resistance in PCOS can be achieved through weight loss. Consuming whole, nutrient-rich foods that are high in fiber are very effective in controlling symptoms of PCOS and achieving weight loss effortlessly, A dietitian might help you with staying on track. If you are looking for an ideal dietitian/nutritionist in the Delhi/NCR region, you must consult Dr. Namita Nadar. She boasts decades of experience in clinical nutrition and has helped a large number of women.

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